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Does Anyone Want This?

Fran Stewart

Friday - 03/05/2021 — Over the years I’ve gradually lost touch with Lynn, but about 15 years ago, when he and I spoke often, went to lunch occasionally, and laughed together a lot, his grandmother died. She left behind a house that was chock full of—for want of a better word—stuff.

Lynn and his husband had to clear it out. They didn’t have room in their apartment and, truth be told, didn’t want a lot of it. I had an old pickup truck at the time and offered to help them move the things they did want. Once that chore was over, there was still a plethora of items he had no use for. One of them was this hard-rock-maple sideboard.

I’d never had a sideboard (but I had a big empty wall), so when he offered it to me, I said yes. He also unloaded a maple dining table with six matching chairs, a coffee table, and more. An entire pickup truck full. I took it all.

But now, as I’m beginning to thin down my house, I wonder if I really need this, no matter how well-made it is, no matter how handy it is.

I took this picture of it after Peggy (you can see her reflected in the glass) had helped me arrange some well-loved objects on it. There’s my grandmother’s plate, my salt lamp, two art pieces done by my sister—chrysanthemums in oil paint and crocuses in pen and ink with watercolor. My bongo drums and a South American rattle are handy so I can pick them up any time I feel in the mood. Two baskets I could live without since they’re up high and so I never use them.

The drawers hold placemats and napkins (and, I must admit, quite a bit of assorted junk). The lower cabinets contain vases and serving dishes and … well … more junk. In fact, I’m not even sure exactly what’s in there since I haven’t opened the doors in, oh, maybe a year or so.

What I’m trying to get at is, it’s time to pass this on to someone who will use it and appreciate it.

Do you want it? Come pick it up. (Bring some strong folks with you who can lift it safely). Bring some boxes and you can have all the contents as well, except for my sister’s two paintings, one Waterford crystal glass that a friend brought me from the UK (behind the top right glass door), and my hammer (top left-hand drawer). And the 1st-place Independent Publishers Book Award I got for one of my mysteries (middle of the top shelf).

I’d better keep the bongo drums as well. I’d miss them if they were gone.

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