Nov 26, 2021Turkey Dust BathFriday 11/26/2021 – Thanksgiving Day-After. What could be more appropriate than a video of a wild female turkey taking a dust bath? And she
Nov 24, 2021Turkeys as FriendsWednesday - 11/24/2021 — I know this is an extra (i.e. non-Friday) post, but this seems like an appropriate day to mention an article from
Nov 19, 2021Puzzle BoardFriday - 11/19/2021 — One of the best gifts I’ve ever received came from Marvin, my brother-in-law. When I arrived there in late October, on
Nov 12, 2021Living with DementiaFriday - 11/12/2021 — I just returned from a long visit with my sister in Colorado. I didn’t tell you I was headed there, simply because I
Nov 5, 2021Colorado's Geography TermsFriday - 11/05/2021 — I just came back from a trip to visit my sister in Colorado. Her geography is completely different than mine. As I...